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Jace is a high tenor, actor and tapper who plays guitar and piano. Having grown up in a small town in rural Illinois, honing his musical skills was one of his only forms of entertainment. Jace's education brought a wide range of performance experience, including singing in a barbershop quartet, playing trumpet in a jazz band and being the front man for a cover band. These all fed into his love of acting, and helped fuel his greatest passion of combining the two in musical theatre. He earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Abilene Christian University, and has worked in the theatrical field ever since. When not occupied by performing, you could probably find Jace either buried in a fantasy novel or planning his next real life adventure with his beautiful, talented wife, Amanda (you can find her here). Jace and Amanda live in Queens, and they have a habit of whipping up songs to perform together, so be sure to keep an eye out for the next YouTube video or NYC cabaret performance!

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